Wednesday 24 October 2012

Time for some Cochrane review. Bisphosphonates in myeloma

Use of bisphosphonates in patients with MM reduces pathological vertebral fractures, SREs and pain. Assuming a baseline risk of 20% to 50% for vertebral fracture without treatment, between 8 and 20 MM patients should be treated to prevent vertebral fracture(s) in one patient. Assuming a baseline risk of 31% to 76% for pain amelioration without treatment, between 5 and 13 MM patients should be treated to reduce pain in one patient. With a baseline risk of 35% to 86% for SREs without treatment, between 6 and 15 MM patients should be treated to prevent SRE(s) in one patient. Overall, there were no significant adverse effects associated with the administration of bisphosphonates identified in the included RCTs. We found no evidence of superiority of any specific aminobisphosphonate (zoledronate, pamidronate or ibandronate) or nonaminobisphosphonate (etidronate or clodronate) for any outcome. However, zoledronate appears to be superior to placebo and etidronate in improving OS.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Hello chaps out there....
Nothing special, just ordinary things will come out from this blog.
Special mention to the layout which is devoted to and inspired by the late T J Hamblin, one of the most prolific Haematologists of the last decades and definitely a fortune for the CLL patients all around the world.
Sit and enjoy (not tight though...)
Good old times. Cherry Hinton Rd, Cambridge

Gastric Lymphoma

Antibiotics alone may be adequate Tx in HP associated gastric DLBCL